Friday, September 26, 2008


Lily is doing fantastic with her signing! She is learning very quickly. Today she learned the signs for baby, book, and monkey. She went on the potty twice today. The first time she took off her diaper (which was dry) so I put her on and the second time she went on it all by herself (unfortunately with the lid on! It has since been taken off permanently, lol). I hadn't put her on it for the past week because I didn't want to push the potty issue, but she seems to be telling me she is interested.
Lily's been having some gas lately, so I've put her back on some probiotics. She did sleep through the night last night, so I'm hopeful that will take care of any discomfort she's been having. She's been fighting going to bed at night, they always have to test the waters from time to time!

I'm very confident about her comprehension at this point. She has come so far in such a short time, praise God for chelation! She just continues to absorb so much around her. I pray that the speech will come easier for her. Some children speak later than others because they aren't ready or don't want to. Lily wants it and tries everyday. It's hard to watch your child struggle for something they want so badly. She'll get it though. Before I know it she will be chatting it up and driving me crazy, but I will NEVER wish for anything different!

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