Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, last week was horrible. It's hard to keep up with updates, but since we're up (it's 5am, Lily woke up at 3:45) I figured now would be a good time! Lily had another seizure on the 5th and it reeked havoc on her system. I wasn't home for it, but anthony said she was actually shaking on the couch for that one. Anthony said it lasted 9 min. The days that followed did not go well. She seemed to regress a lot in her speech and demeanor, then out of nowhere her speech improved and greatly surpassed where she was at.

She says a lot more spontaneous words now and can even sing "Baby Balooga" now! She now also can count to 10 on her own (she still skips #1) and can sing the alphabet (she still skips alot, but has the idea). Today I pointed to different objects and animals and she surprised me by identifying them for me (verbally). She seems to really be finding her voice, she's trying very hard. And FINALLY she can say "mom"! It sometimes still comes out "Mob", which is better than "Bob". She is constantly singing along with her favorite tv shows and even doing little dances that they do while she is singing.

We taught Lily the answer to "how old are you?" she now says 'two", but we made the mistake of trying to teach her "what's your name' at the same time, because she'll either answer "two" or "name", but we're working on it :)

Lily is a total fish in the pool and can literally swim (with her swimmies) all over the pool and get out on her own via the ladder as well. She now really loves the pool and actually tolerated getting splashed in the face when the other little kids were jumping in. She enjoyed their company so much that she just kept that smile on her face and took it (several times). Before we went to the pool we asked her if she wanted to go and she said "pool, pool, pool!!"

Over all some major progress. She's been sleeping better if we put her to bed between 12-2 am. Tonight she went down at 10:15pm, which is why we are up. Won't make that mistake again anytime soon!!

Lily is 2 years and 7 months today. In 3 months she will be evaluated to see what preschools she qualifies for. Then I can check them out and pick one. I went to a seminar tonight on Sensory Integration Dysfunction. It was very interesting. I knew a good portion of the information, but of course there were things I didn't know as well. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when the brain does not properly process the messages that the body is receiving (that's my own simplified definition, but there's a lot to know about it because it effects every kid differently). This is most often the reason why kids need occupational therapy. Lily requires more "input" than most kids. One example would be when she does her spinning. It takes her a million times longer than me to get dizzy. Her brain does not process dizziness. Her body responds to the spinning (by throwing up sometimes) but her brain did not register that there was a problem. Most people would get dizzy and stop, which would prevent the vomiting, but not Lily. Of course that's just a small example. She has alot of other issues that are addressed at OT as well.

Next week we see the neurologist. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, pray that they will find something on the hour long eeg that they will have to do so that we don't have to do the 24 hour one! I don't want that trauma for Lily if it can be helped.

Thank You!

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