The neurologist mentioned also putting her on some seizure medication to see if the behaviors I'm seeing during the day will go away, as a way to test if those are, in fact, seizures. I have mixed feelings about that. As her mom, I'm fairly certain that she is having those during the day (though it's been more sporadic). But I've also noted that her daily seizures have usually followed a "big seizure" (which now I know is probably not one). So does this paralysis somehow neurologically trigger these seizures, and if so, if we can somehow cure this sleep disorder will it make the seizures go away?
I guess I'm getting ahead of myself. They took more blood, AGAIN (poor girl has had more blood taken from her than I think I have in my life) and I guess we'll go over the results at the next meeting in a few weeks.
Here are some of Lily's latest:
- Now Lily says "Pip, Pip, Peeyay!" for "Hip, Hip, Hooray!"
- She can say "I love you"
- Her favorite show is the 'International Super Spy' Backyardigans episode, and I've actually heard her say 'International Super Spy' (they sing words in the show, so she does too. It's easier for her to sing than for her to talk, because it's slower and gives her more time for processing), but darn that apraxia I haven't heard it again, but she does say 'super spy'.
- Lily loves "Bob Bob", which is "Sponge Bob". Not something I like to encourage (I can't stand sponge bob) but when she makes a specific request for him after I ask her what she wants to watch on tv, it's hard for me to deny her since she rarely makes such specific requests.
We had our yearly followup with Early Steps and her service coordinator said that Lily has made the most progress in this past year than she has ever seen! I know that Lily is doing wonderful and really achieving great things. Despite her struggles, she perseveres. She inspires me. Isn't it suppose to be the other way around? LOL
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