Tuesday, September 16, 2008

And the verdict is...

And the verdict is.......moderately autistic. I was hoping for mildly autistic, but you get what you get and it doesn't change anything. Lily is still today who she was yesterday, a fun, loving, wonderful treasure that the Lord has blessed us with and has entrusted her into our care. We will do our best for her.

And the bad news is.....she has to go to school. I'm not looking forward to this. We've been that route and it didn't go well. I guess I will just have to look into it and see what it's about. I don't want Lily stressed out.

She also has to have speech twice a week and occupational therapy twice a week. With me working weekends, that doesn't leave me with much time with her. That is what saddens me the most. I guess I will just cross that bridge when I get there and try not to think of it all at once. These things take time to put into place anyway.

They want her to have an EEG (i think it tests for seizures) since she had speech and then lost it. They have to hook her up to a machine with a million different wires on her. How they will do that without her ripping everything out, I don't know. From what I understand you can have seizures without any symptoms. They want to test her both awake and asleep. How that one will happen, I have NO IDEA! I have to find a place that does that and make her an appt.

They took her blood today also to test for chromosomal abnormalities....hooray.
Anyway, that's it. It was hard to read that about her in black and white...."autistic". I know I knew this and was not surprised at all, but it still just makes it all so final. I guess I just wanted to be wrong. The doctor said she could go through life needing an aid or being independant. There is no way to tell yet. The fight is only just beginning....but I know we will come out victorious. With God all things are possible.

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