Monday, September 15, 2008


Lily keeps on excelling! She is not very consistent (at all yet), but is signing more. She can sign "drink" "more" and "all done" (as well as "eat" and "hat" but she's been doing that one for awhile). She now says "up", but sometimes still has difficulty and gets frustrated. She said "baby" three times yesterday, but I haven't been able to get her to do it again (she's very stubborn, lol). She also makes a sound for duck, which is all her own, lol. She has been making the attempt to say several words, not always getting them right, but the attempt is amazing. We've been working on making our animal sounds in the mirror so she can see what her mouth is doing. She is very good at doing summersaults now and is very excited about it. Her favorite thing to do is to "gallop" around the house.

The other day I watched her try to get the front door open and of course couldn't, so she came over to me, grabbed my hand and brought me to the door to help her (this is big for her, usually she just gets frustrated and cries). I wish, that she would do things like that more often, but I'll take what I can get. She's really starting to notice the cat more and plays with him more often now.

We're thinking that Lily's covering her eyes is a light sensitivity issue so I'm going to bring her to the eye doctor to see how she checks out and will also likely start some occupational therapy for it. I'm hoping it will be easy to remedy, as I really think it interrupts a lot of her day.

Tomorrow is the big day. We find out the results of her evaluation. I have mixed feelings. I'm very nervous about it and my anxiety is through the roof. I guess I'm feeling like they really didn't get to see ALL of her so will it be a fair test? I know it was, I was there, but I guess I'm just worried that they will tell me that she is worse off than I feel she is. I guess even if I hear that, it will be ok, as it will allow her to get more therapy, but I really just want to hear that she's on the mild side of the spectrum and they expect her to be mainstreamed by kindergarten. I want to know that I am right in how I feel because I feel like I know her the best. Regardless of what they tell me, it doesn't mean that's the way it will be anyway. The doctors don't believe in chelation either, but I know for a fact it works. So they don't know everything. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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