Today Lily had her EEG. They wanted us to keep her up late and wake her early, in order for her to be sleepy for the test. Despite her sleepiness, it didn't stop her from screaming for an hour. It was heart breaking. They figured she'd cry herself to sleep, I knew better. I hope they got what they needed. They said she'd need to fall asleep to get an accurate reading. I'm guessing screaming wasn't exactly very productive. They said they got what they needed (there were a few minutes here and there when she was quiet, but very few). It takes a week for the results, so we'll see.
A couple of days ago I brought her to the eye doctor and found out that her light sensitivity is due to damage from the pink eye she had about 6 weeks ago. Apparently it can damage your eyes for 3-4 months. Hers showed inflamation in the back of her eyes, so we get to hold her down and give her eye drops (that seem to sting) twice a day for 10 days (Hooray!!). I'm hoping her light sensitivity will go away as soon as her eyes heal.
On the brighter side, Lily is still learning new stuff everyday. Today, for the FIRST TIME EVER she brought me something that I requested, yay! She is getting better when I tell her to look at me, which is what I need to do before I ask anything or else I usually get ignored. There is a tinkerbell movie clip that she loves that we often watch on youtube and she spontaniously said "open" today at the same time the fairy did. We were very excited about that, though, of course, she wouldn't do it again. She is signing quite a bit now and it seems to have lessoned her frustrations. I've only been working with a few, making sure she gets those down before I put anymore in the mix. I'm so excited that she can tell me when she is thirsty or hungry or if she wants more (which I've been trying to teach her can go beyond food).
I've been trying to teach her the sign for dog, which is panting along with a couple of taps on your leg. She pants like a dog now when you ask her what the doggy says, which is very cute.
She knows the word "up" but still often struggles to say it. She will sometimes just do the noise for the fish over and over instead of saying up and then she starts to cry because she just can't get the word out. It makes me very sad. She really has been trying so hard. It just seems like there is a connection that is not always working.
Lily is back to spinning a lot again. I wish I could stimulate her in some other way to achieve what she is looking for. We went to the park today and Lily had a GREAT time. She just loves being up high and we go to a park that has a high lookout tower that she adores.
I made a few contacts this week on some resources for Lily. Her speech therapy will increase soon to twice a week and our service coordinator through Early Steps has gotten in touch with someone to come in to do some occupational therapy and they are suppose to call me next week. I am also suppose to be getting a call back in regards to some ABA therapy and have someone come and assess how much she'll need everyweek. I'm also waiting to hear back from a clinic in Tampa as to what our insurance will cover there for BioMedical Treatment (they would test her for things and recommend different suppliments, since autism is an autoimmune disorder it usually does some fantastic things, like the chelation is doing). I feel very releaved to actually have a plan in order, or at least an idea of how things will be going. I have a plan "B" for things as well, in case things don't pan out exactly how I'd like them to. I just pray that God stears me in all the right directions so that I don't waste any time. We've only got another year to make the most difference, after age 3 it will be more difficult to make as much of an impact.
Going to have to start buying fall clothes soon! Lily is growing so fast and it is starting to get a little cooler. Poor thing had to wear last season's jacket this morning, and it was a little small. We picked up a couple tonight, but we'll have to restock her wardrobe, shoes included :) It's so amazing how fast they grow!