Thursday, March 5, 2009


Lily had a pretty good day today. No nap, but not crabby at all, except for the usual tantrum here and there (as is with any two year old :). I was wondering why she had such a good day with no nap and then it dawned on me...not one seizure today! Then I tried to think of what the difference might have been but I couldn't think of any. She was up from 7:15am to about 8:30pm-ish and was not crabby and ran all over the place the whole day! What a difference from yesterday (she awoke from her nap with a small seizure and was a huge challenge the rest of the day). She either has good days or bad, there doesn't seem to be much of an inbetween. One amazing thing I did notice this week is that she didn't have any interest in lining up her toys! This has been such a staple in her daily routine since as far back as I can ever remember and now, nadda! She has been spinning more, but when she goes to OT or to the park she seems to be ok with that.
Lily can now count to three (sort of). If you say one, she'll say two and a few times has said three but mostly when you ask her to say three she'll say go, lol.
Please keep praying that the seizures go away and don't come back!

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