Friday, January 9, 2009


Just thought I'd put in a quick blog about Lily's latest few things:

Lily looked at Anthony last night at bed time and said "kisses" (which is what Anthony says to her all the time). She then gave him a big kiss :)

Today on the walk to the car, Lily was running ahead of me and I said stop. Not only did she stop, but she said stop and then I said "let's go to the car" and she said "car".
When we came home I was going to give her a piggy back ride and I said "ready?" and she said, "set, go!!" (very clearly) She's starting to say things after me as well, like if I say "you want me to open this?" Then she says, "open this." (though when she does that it's usually muffled).

Her latest thing is climbing out of her car seat and climbing into the drivers seat instead of getting out of the car. Then I have to walk around to the drivers side again and she just giggles her little head off. Today I asked her to lay down so that I could change her diaper. She climbs up on the couch, lays down, and looks at me with a big smile and starts to giggle, knowing full well that is not where I wanted her to be. She's really been trying to mess with me, and I LOVE IT :)

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