Thursday, August 21, 2008


Lily had another great day today! She is really following direction quite well and is showing me just how much she is learning. Car rides are amazingly easier. I remember a time when I had to pack a bag full of toys and pass one to her every minute (literally) of the ride to keep her from crying and today she didn't need a thing! She just sang to herself and was looking out the window, looking very peaceful. She gets into her carseat by herself now and seems very proud of herself. Lily is starting to wave "hello" now (in addition to goodbye). She is blowing people "kisses" quite regularly, as she seems to enjoy that.

Tonight she had her first clay bath (another form of chelation). At bedtime she was already seeming to put more sounds together and said something that sounded like
"Dad love Mom" (though I'm not sure that's what she said, I'm happy for the different sounds being put together). She is going to bed so much easier, as she is more aware of her routine now. Usually we do bath, then watch veggie tales while we do lotion, pj's, hair combing and drink a bottle, afterwards we read books, say prayers and then it's bedtime. She use to have a hard time transitioning from the tv to the books and would always want the tv on. Now she is turning the tv off herself and picking out the books she wants to read! Her attention span seems to be getting longer and she is starting to come when I call to her (when she feels like it unfortunately, but I'll take it). Today I asked Lily if she was hungry and would like a snack and she then followed me into the kitchen and went to look into the pantry with me. :)

Yesterday we went to PUMP IT UP (a bounce house place) to play as a family and had so much fun! We are likely going to have her birthday party there. I am addicted to bringing her to places like that because seeing the joy on her face gives me the most awesome feeling! We went down the big slides, went through the obstacle courses and bounced around all over the place.

Today we went over a friend's house and played on a HUGE blow up slide/pool/ with spray guns thingy. Lily had fun playing with her friends and came home exhausted, ate a huge lunch and took an almost 3 hour nap!

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