Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Time just seem to pass so quickly these days...anyone else feeling that way?
Well Lily has been out of sorts lately, course it seems that's more the norm now since she started teething her 2nd year molars. I'm not sure how long that whole process takes, but I'm hoping that she will get over it quickly. It must be hard to be in pain and cranky and not be able to explain why or get some help. It has just made her much less patient and more frustrated it seems (understandably). She had a good second part of her day today and was relatively happy.

We went over to a friend's house to play and she had a blast. She was pretty chatty today. I think it really helps for her to be around her peers that are talking. Her spontaneous speech is getting more frequent, not clear, but frequent. She has been continuing to point more, which has made me very happy. Her speech therapist thinks that she is ahead of schedule for kids at her level, which also makes me happy. One of Lily's favorite shows is Yo Gabba Gabba and in the intro they shout that out in a long drawn out "Yoooooooo Gaaabaaaaa Gaaaabbaaa" and Lily has been doing her own variation of that, it's really cute.

I know they say a lot of tv isn't good for kids, but Lily really interacts with the shows in so many ways and it has increased her speech. I think it's actually good for her (to an extent of course). The other day there was a show on that she seldom watches and they had the word "cat" up on the screen (no pictures) and they said "what is this word?" and she said "cat" then they switched the 'c' to a 'b' and asked what that word was and she said "bat". I thought once could have been a fluke thing, but two in a row? Makes me wonder how much she actually knows but can't verbalize. She had never even said bat before!

Tonight I went out to the grocery store before Lily's bedtime and it went so much better than usual. She was sad, but no huge tantrum. I handled it a little differently and I'm hoping that helped so that I can do that routine again. Though it also could of just been a fluke thing as well. I'll try again tomorrow and see how it works.

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