- She got into the bathtub and said "Bath"
- We asked her where the moon is and she pointed out the window at it and said "dare"
- We were at a friends house and Mickey's Christmas came on the tv (her favorite) and she danced around and said "christmas"
- Anthony taught her awhile ago to put her arms up in the air when he asks her, "how big are you?" Then Anthony usually says "SO BIG!".....well this time when he asked her she said it for him!
- Lily has been cracking herself up lately. She'll just be playing with her toys and start laughing hysterically, so much so she gives herself the hiccups! It's my absolute favorite sound.
- I asked her if she wanted to watch a show on tv and she said "yes", without nodding (big for her)
- she finally dances around to music, particularly that song they play in Madagascar that says "I like to move it move it" (its her favorite)
- just before going down the slide, she said "up" (she doesn't understand the concept of up and down yet, lol, I still think it's cute)
Lily has continued to progress in her speech, though there's still the mountain to climb at least she has started with a few steps. Unfortunately, she is sick....AGAIN. I'm not sure what to do about her constantly picking up everyone's germs. I need her to go to therapy and also be around her friends socializing but she's always getting sick. This time she has a fever that continues on and I've been having to keep her pumped with meds to keep it down. I've never had that issue before, so it's worrisome to me (though I'm not suppose to bring her in to the Dr. till day 3 of a fever, so they say and we are only on day 2). She's very congested and has been miserable in the mornings but so far she has been pretty good once she's actually up for awhile (easier to breathe then I guess). Yesterday was a no-nap day, though she needed one desperately. I think it really freaks her out to not be able to breathe as she would normally (understandably) and laying down multiples it, especially with no distractions.
It feels like a never ending cycle: bring Lily in for therapy or playgroups...sick...stuck home having to cancel therapies...better...bring her back...sick...etc. etc.
Last week I brought her to a Kindermusic Winterparty. It's a place where all the kids dance and sing and play music (as much as toddlers can) but it's more structure than Lily can handle (sitting in circle, marching in a circle, sitting for any length of time...though it is geared directly for her age group and the other kids do great) and it really reminded me where Lily is at, as I watched kids half her age able to follow simple instruction, and kids of every age able to sit on their moms lap (I had to chase Lily the whole time and stop her from taking other kids things and getting into things she shouldn't). They dumped "snow" on the kids (a basket of tissues) and afterwards almost All the kids picked up the tissues and put them back in the basket and Lily went over and dumped it everywhere again. Now reading that it sounds pretty funny actually, but when you are there...it's not. I brought her there because it was a free event and Santa came and I really wanted to see just how she would respond to sitting on Santa's lap.....she didn't care for it to say the least. I also wanted to bring her there to see how she would respond, since I've brought her to a similar environment last september, she was slightly better this time, but not by much. Maybe next year.
We had a playdate at a friends house a couple of days ago. Her friend really tried to engage her and Lily was having none of it. Her friend didn't give up though! She was praising Lily for doing a puzzle, tried tickling her (Lily tried to run away but her friend was gently persistent). She's a few months older than Lily, but to me, seems very advanced for her age. She talks in full sentences and is VERY social. She was picking pretend apples out of a pretend tree and giving us each an apple to eat! It was very cute. She insisted on giving Lily hugs and kisses, which Lily tried to ignore initially, but did eventually except with some direction. It's possible she was having an off day, as I have seen her really engage her friend in the past. It's really hit or miss most of the time. I really think the interaction is good for her. Too bad she's sick half the time!
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